Developing applications for the iPhone users has become a big industry and an important part of a business. Applications can not only generate revenue for your business, they also act as free to get your brand known and provide a direct line to local consumers. If you develop for the Apple App Store, you need to bear in mind a number of requirements for iPhone application development or risk having your application rejected. Avoid delays in development, do it right the first time.
Needless to say, if the application does not work as intended, then there is a risk of having it rejected. This is beyond important bugs, although that must be resolved before sending the product to Apple, since they will earn an automatic rejection. One of the most common rejections is limited functionality. Using an application to send people to a website, for example, does not meet the requirements of an application and are rejected. Duplicate functionality with built-in features for iPhone is another common rejection criterion.
Use of data
IPhone apps must meet a vague pattern of usage data. Apple prohibits “bandwidth hogs” from using the App Store, but does not define how much is too much data usage. Some applications that were previously approved updates were rejected due to their excessive volumes of data. Make sure that your application does not consume a lot of data and has the ability to choke, depending on the type of network being used. Wi-Fi connections in general, can handle heavier data loads.
The content in your application should be tailored to meet Apple’s standards. Like many of the other requirements for iPhone app development, the exact meaning is open to interpretation appropriate and applied inconsistently. Nudity is strictly prohibited. Sexually explicit images can also be flagged as inappropriate, but it depends on the individual reviewer. According to Apple, “to defame, humiliate or attack political figures” is also against the standards of the App Store. A clock that counted to the end of the term of former President George W. Bush in office was rejected by this policy.
Copyright and Trademarks
You must own the rights to the material you use in iPhone development. Using images, music or video that are owned by another person or company will not only result in a rejection from the App Store, can result in legal action. Even the appearance of copyright infringement can cause a retroactive rejection or removal from the App Store. The same can be said for marks belonging to Apple. Apple’s permission is required to use an image or likeness of the iPhone or any other Apple product.
iOS Developer Program
In order to develop for the iPhone you must register as a developer with iOS App Development Program, pay an annual fee of $ 99 and register a device on which to test your application. The iOS Developer Program gives you access to the iOS SDK, Xcode to write your application and technical resources. Eventually, you will test and debug your application through Program Development with iOS up to two technical support inquiries to Apple engineers as you can read from Gossipfunda – tech news portal.